Design your home

Make your living room lively.

Having a house is not just enough, one must have a nicely decorated and designed house. Having a decorated house makes one not only satisfied, but also a sense of pride. When I talk of decorations, people start thinking of balloons and flowers among other things. No, my decoration here means the internal design of your house.

Mostly, families spend most of their times in the living room. The living room also is used to welcome visitors or friends and have some time with them. Having your living room look lively is, therefore, a necessity. Here, we will dwell on small apartment living rooms.


Small apartment living room ideas.
There are various factors to consider in the design of these kinds of living rooms. This include;


The furniture in the room should be standard and well furnished. They should also have a color that conforms to the room paint. Choosing the best furniture may depend on the capital available.

Room arrangement.
Management of space is crucial. No matter how your living room is small, you must arrange it in a manner that it will look spacious. All the furniture in the room should be systematically arranged to fit in the room. Also, they should leave space enough for walking around: it should not be congested.

Paint color of the room.
Picking a color might seem simple but it’s not. It is usually advisable to seek assistance in choosing the right color. Similarly, there are other issues to consider to ensure the color you take is the best and fits the house. These are;
Personal preferences and choice.
One should select the color of their choosing and ensure the family likes it. Since most of the time the family will spend their time here, the color should be a favorite of all. Depending on you, living room might be a place you want to relax, romantic or have other different moods. Therefore, you must choose a color to get the feeling you need.

Room orientation and light source.
Orientation majorly depends on the side the windows face. The color should be bright and reflective to make the room bright. Also, the color should not cause too much brightness when the room have a lot of windows that create the room be bright.

Other elements’ color.
Paint colors for small living rooms should not clash with other elements like floor tiles/ carpets or even the furniture. The colors of all the components in the house should match and harmonize.
You can imagine having a beautifully painted living room with good furniture and handsomely arranged. This kind of living room shows a good standard of living to others and make you feel a sense of satisfaction.

Gallery of paint colors for small living rooms